Why Smart?...

The increasing adoption rate of technology in agriculture is justified by the fact that farming is highly land and labor-intensive and farmers are driven to use technology to increase efficiency and manage costs in a very competitive and fickle market.


The smart farm management necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the spatial variability of soil nutrients also. This is because crop fields in a small farm context often vary in soil type, elevation, soil fertility and type of crops (e.g. plants grown in rows vs uniform plants coverage).


Our software platform is able to perform:

  • on-ground monitoring
  • in vehicle -tractors- sensors
  • remote sensing from satellite
  • Data from web
  • proximal sensing through targeted acquisition campaigns and
  • site-specific calibrated provisional crop models application.

Studies have highlighted the benefits of precision agriculture strategies in reducing the potential off-site transport of agricultural chemicals via surface runoff, subsurface drainage and leaching. At farm-level a software driven by adaptive algorithms will be developed to utilize real-time machine learning to increase the efficiency of N fertilizer use and to avoid/predict nutrient loss.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisciIt is estimated that smallholder farmers represent 86.3% of the EU-28 farms and these farms with less than 20 hectares of utilised agricultural area accounted for more than two thirds (68.1 %) of the labour force directly working on farms. An analysis for 2013 reveals that the most common size of farm in the EU-28 was one with 2 – < 20 hectares of utilised agricultural area.ng elit. Cur tantas regiones barbarorum pedibus obiit, tot maria transmisit.


Specifically, Abinsula develops two main computing platforms (both in the Tractor)

  1. ECU with precision GPS, IsoBus communication, local ADC and DAC, Telematics capabilities
  2. Gateway multi-protocol with local storage and computation capabilities, protocols for field communication and cloud communication

The primary aim of precision farming is to ensure profitability, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. This is achieved by integrating the big data gathered by the technology to guide both immediate and future decisions on everything from where in the field to apply a particular rate, to when and where it’s best to apply e.g. irrigation water, chemicals, fertilizers or seeds.


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Digitisation in agriculture - from precision farming to farming 4.0

Automated steering systems, data-driven targeted application of fertilisers and pesticides, field robots and drones, soil analysis sensors, autonomous driving - digitisation is advancing in agriculture as elsewhere


To arrange a consultation or workshop, send us a message.

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